The university student Tania Ballesteros Colino, member of the TIMMIS Duero Douro Heritage for Development team, gained distinction this year for the defense of her TFG ‘Teaching from ICT. Contributions of the patrimonial education.’ The defense of her work is, according to the student’s own assessment, “directly related” to her work in the TIMMIS project, in a team where she participated with Sonsoles Gonzalo Pitarch, Víctor Miguel Tesón, Cristina Alija, and Guillermo Cebrián, mentored by Mónica López and Álex Miranda.
The TFG is, in the words of Ballesteros, an “exploratory research” in which all the bibliography related to new technologies is contextualized; the starting point that marks the beginning of the development of a mobile app for Duero Douro.
The first part of the work covers the current state of communications and new technologies, the challenges we face in all areas -not only those related to formal education-, while a second part is occupied by heritage education: what is the idea of heritage in Spain, the different perspectives and points of view around this concept, etc.
Her conclusion, the most empirical part, is what has more to do with TIMMIS: what is it, how the team worked, what does this original project contribute to the primary application, etc. Eventually, Ballesteros selects a series of programs that show what to do and why it works, what not to do, and what gaps exist in all heritage education programs in Spain and Portugal.
The director of the OEPE (Observatory of Heritage Education in Spain), Olaia Fontal, and researcher Silvia Ceballos participated on the board.

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